I was riding my bike north on Racine yesterday when a well-dressed guy waiting at a bus stop yelled, “Hey! How much you want for that bike?” as I rode by, reaching into his pocket.
“Good morning,” was my somewhat irrelevant response, and it wasn’t until I was past the guy that I processed what he’d said. I had no plans to sell the bike; I just bought it 2 weeks ago to replace the one that was stolen from my driveway last month. And even if he’d offered enough to make it worth my while, I was on my way to work, and being stuck on foot in the Englewood/Back of the Yards area was not going to be the best way for me to get to my office.
But it snapped me out of my “zone” long enough to realize I was right near Sherman Park, and the St. John of God church being torn down that I’d posted about a few months ago. So I decided to stop by and see what kind of progress had been made.
Rubble. Nothing but rubble.
A pile of rubble and a backhoe
The pile of rubble formerly known as St. John of God