Tag: david bowie

Got 4 hours? Here’s some music

A while back I asked my Facebook and Twitter friends to suggest songs over 8 minutes in length for a mix. And I got a ton of great suggestions in by far the longest Facebook comment thread that has ever appeared on my timeline. Then I largely ignored them all and put together this mix…

2013, Year of the Doglion

These things keep coming later every year, don’t they? I’ve never been the most motivated writer (at least since I was in 8th grade and wrote a 30-page long fantasy short story and thought for a while that I was the best writer ever) and it just seems to come harder and harder every year. The…

No Reason, No Conscience, No Understanding

I’ve been threatening for years to make a non-metal Halloween mix, to contrast with the totally metal mix I made 5 years ago, “When churchyards yawn, and Hell itself breathes out,” which is completely excellent btw and you should listen to it too! Well I finally did it but I’ve been too damn lazy to…

The Road Most Traveled

Just your basic mix of cover songs. Ska covers! Bluegrass covers! Metal covers! Punk covers! I know, it’s been done, but dammit it’s MY TURN. It was brought to my attention though that on a few of these, the original songs may be less well known, so I’ve created a second mix containing the same…

IRON DJ: No, let’s just be enemies!

…in which I take you on a sonic adventure through the beginning, end, and aftermath of a trainwreck relationship. No one relationship in particular, I’ve been married so long I don’t remember any others, really. đŸ™‚ But this is a mix that not only progresses through a series of moods but which also purports to…

That Lonesome Whistle

You’re riding the train–maybe you’re on your way to work, or back home from work, or to meet friends, or to a job interview. Whoever you are and wherever you’re going, right now you’re between places, disconnected. Your own earbuds and the newspaper masks of the strangers around you only add to this sense of…