Month: April 2011

A Modest Proposal: Mowbray Allan edition

Dr. Mowbray Allan was one of my English professors in college. My brother and I were among his biggest fans. I think we might have been alone among his biggest fans. He had a rumbly voice that was hard for many people to follow. He’d start a thought, and then begin laughing, and it was…

Tomorrow is Dark Lord Day…

…and I’ve posted about it on my other site, I Grok Grog. I bring this up here mostly because I will be attempting to liveblog the day both there and here. So read my Dark Lord Day preview post there, and watch this space tomorrow for drunken 140-character shenanigans.

Tomorrow is Dark Lord Day 2011…

…and it seems like this is the one time of year I wake up and remember this site, and manage to post something on it. I’m not sure though, this might be my last year. So many changes. And I don’t blame Three Floyds, they’re a small outfit and this thing has gotten way out…

A Blaze in a Northern Town*

From time to time, I run across something on the internet that is so amazing, it needs to be shared. And though I have had nothing to do with its creation, I want to put my stamp on it, I want to say HEY, dudes, here it is, I brought this to you. Today, I…

The future best album of 2011

According to this page on William Shatner’s web site: The Line Up For “Searching For Major Tom” Has Been Announced. WilliamShatner.Com Is Happy To Report That The Album Due Out Later In 2011 On The Cleopatra Records Label Will Have The Following Songs… Now as something of a self-professed expert on music, and also an amateur but…

Another software change

Ain’t the site pretty? OK so I didn’t really say anything at the time but a while back I migrated the site from a Windows host to Apache/PHP/MySQL on BSD and switched from DotNetNuke (sucks!) to Joomla, ’cause a lot of my friends talked it up and why the hell not, huh? Well Joomla sucks…