Category: Music

Got 4 hours? Here’s some music

A while back I asked my Facebook and Twitter friends to suggest songs over 8 minutes in length for a mix. And I got a ton of great suggestions in by far the longest Facebook comment thread that has ever appeared on my timeline. Then I largely ignored them all and put together this mix…

2013, Year of the Doglion

These things keep coming later every year, don’t they? I’ve never been the most motivated writer (at least since I was in 8th grade and wrote a 30-page long fantasy short story and thought for a while that I was the best writer ever) and it just seems to come harder and harder every year. The…

A few 2013 songs to tide you over

I am way late with my 2013 album review, which is mostly because I’ve been too lazy to write it up and only partly because the albums that were my favorite as of 12/31/2013 are maybe not my favorites anymore 2 1/2 weeks later. But I’m getting it together, and I’m not changing my list…

No Reason, No Conscience, No Understanding

I’ve been threatening for years to make a non-metal Halloween mix, to contrast with the totally metal mix I made 5 years ago, “When churchyards yawn, and Hell itself breathes out,” which is completely excellent btw and you should listen to it too! Well I finally did it but I’ve been too damn lazy to…

We get no second chance in this life

RIP Jason Molina I don’t have the deep connection to you and your music that a lot of my friends do, but I liked what I heard of it. Especially the song Captain Badass. Chicago Reader AV Club Pitchfork Slate RVA  Billboard  Rolling Stone   

My favorite albums of 2012

So here we are, a year later, 2 weeks into 2013 and well past time for me to post my Top 20 albums of 2012. A note on process: I choose these albums using a highly unscientific semi-random pseudo-bubblesort method, taking into account my initial impressions, whether they grow or fade on me, how I’m…

Drinking Music for the weekend

Earlier this year I wrote a post on my other site, I Grok Grog, about good beer music and reposted it here. Well I’d always intended to do it up as a full podcast but those take effort and time, time that could be better spent actually drinking and listening to music. But some of the…

Good Beer Music

crossposted from I Grok Grog I like beer. I like music. But for some reason, when you put the two together, it often turns out badly. Let’s face it, there are a lot of jackass beer songs out there. From that beer song that everybody claims is by Weird Al when you know it totally…

I Yam What I Yam

I’m not a huge fan of Wilco. I mean, I don’t hate them, and I really like a lot of what they do. I’m on record though as saying that I’d trade all the Son Volt and Wilco albums in the world for more Uncle Tupelo. And nothing has really changed that. The other day…

A Blaze in a Northern Town*

From time to time, I run across something on the internet that is so amazing, it needs to be shared. And though I have had nothing to do with its creation, I want to put my stamp on it, I want to say HEY, dudes, here it is, I brought this to you. Today, I…